Sunday, February 04, 2007

Thanks, Scooter, for Helping Lift the Veil:

Feb. 2 (Bloomberg) -- The last good look the U.S. public gets at a president or vice president is when they're running for the office -- unless, that is, a scandal lands their aides in the docket under oath.
Because of the trial of Lewis ``Scooter'' Libby, the most secretive administration in recent memory -- we still don't know who was on Vice President Dick Cheney's super-secret energy task force -- has been partially unmasked. As so often happens in politics, things are not quite as they seem.
One of the more interesting revelations is Cheney's micromanagement of the press. The imperious and condescending vice president has taken pains to cultivate an ``I don't give a damn about the press'' attitude. In public, he sneers at reporters.
Yet in private, Cheney spends as much time protecting his image as any Hollywood celebrity and with an effectiveness that would be the envy of Britney Spears.

More on the story.


Anonymous said...

You may want to post this on Fitz site:
Salah trying to clear his name

a note the area where they busted this guy, is Burbank (it is on the Chicago Border SW side) and Bridgeview where the office was, these areas have a high middle eastern population, as a matter a fact when you drive through these areas there are more business signs in Arabic than anything else.

Anonymous said...

The United States has assured Russia that it does not have plans for war against Iran, the Xinhua news agency quoted Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov as saying on Saturday.
“The United States has made it clear that it does not have plans for war against Iran,” Lavrov was quoted by the Interfax news agency as saying.

That's what was said Friday
Iran is asking Blair to step in and reason with US.
""Iran's links with Hizbullah in Lebanon, Hamas in the West Bank and Gaza as well as Shia constituencies in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Gulf States make regional retaliation against any military attack on Iran likely," the report said. "UK forces in Iraq and Afghanistan could be particularly vulnerable, with significant losses possible."
An attack could also increase terrorism by fueling anti-Western sentiment around the world, while strikes on nuclear facilities risk unleashing radioactive contamination, the report said.

Cheney/Chimp really want a bigger mess

SP Biloxi said...

I will go ahead and post you article on Fitz's site. Salah certainly has a road for recovery to clear his name. So, he was busted in a middle eastern population? Makes me wonder why the defense attorney are so eager to clear this man's name when we have other people who are racial profiled and not many of the attorneys want to clear their name. Something doesn't smell right with Salah. And there were some Middle Eastern businesses and owners in NJ that were put on the terrorist list by the Gerbil and some of them are still trying to clear their names on thier own.