Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Summation of Libby Trial for February 13, 2007: A Nail in the Coffin

Here are the highlights:
Jill Abramson, New York Times' managing editor, was called first by the defense today. Abramson was asked about former Times' reporter Judith Miller's testimony that she had asked Abramson in 2003, when the latter was Washington bureau chief, if she could write a story related to WMD and her recent talks with Libby. Abramson denied it. Here is Abramson's testimony to Jeffress:
Jeffress: Did Judith Miller come to you to recommend the New York Times pursue a story about whether Ambassador Joe Wilson's wife worked for the CIA?
Abramson: I have no recollection of such a conversation.
Deborah Bonamici of the prosecution team cross-examines Abramson:

Bonamici: In your dealings with Ms Miller, did you sometimes find yourself tuning out her conversations?
Abramson: It's possible that I occasionally tune her out.
Libby's team was attempting to call Miller's credibility into question with Abramson's testimony. Didn't seem to work.
John Hannah, Cheney's senior aide, took the stand. . He succeeded Libby as the vice president's top national security adviser. He testified that 1) there was a tremendous workload and flow of information in the office in 2003 at the time of the Wilson/Plame episode. and 2) Libby was known then to have an awful memory on certain things. He then described an average (busy) day and the important matters that might have distracted Libby at that time. Libby usually worked until 9 p.m., very liate in the evening and often met with Cheney, and handled difficult briefings and attended complex meetings all day. Fitzgerald crossexamines Hannah. Fitzgerald merely got Hannah to establish that part of Libby's job then was also to push back against criticism of Cheney. Fitzgerald also asked one question meant to remind jurors that Libby wasn't too busy to meet Judith Miller for a two-hour lunch. Again, sticking to the timeline:
Fitzgerald: Scope of COS as you understood it. Part of it was to protect OVP and VP from public criticism.

Hannah: It's not the formulation I would use, Need to go out and truthfully defend office from unfair criticism.

Fitzgerald: Especially important if it was directed at integrity of VP or OVP, and integrity of Admin, OVP, VP, in terms of Iraq.

Hannah: It would be important pushback, yes. [he's a lot more reluctant]

Fitzgerald: Best time to see Libby was evening, particularly if you focus July 6. Fair to say during that week, if you said tomorrow morning take an hour or two to go out for coffee, he wouldn't take that time.

Hannah: It would be harder.

Fitzgerald: If he gave someone an hour or two, it was something Libby thought important.

Hannah: WRT me, yes.
Bingo! Later in the afternoon, we were hit with this news: Cheney and Libby will not testify. And the defense will rest its case tomorrow. Close arguments will start on Tuesday of next week. From Firedoglake:
Prior to lunch I indicated to the court that I would be making recommendations to Libby with regards to the progress of his case," Wells told the courtroom, according to emptywheel. "Over the lunch hour Mr. Jeffress and I advised Cheney's lawyer."

"If we had called him he would have been available on Thursday," Wells reportedly continued. "We have released the vice president as a witness."
Well, my pic tells you where this case is going...


Grace said...

Love your blog! So glad to find a prosecutors blog.

SP Biloxi said...

Thanks Grace and welcome to my blog. You are the 3rd blogger from Illnois.

Anonymous said...

I knew Cheney would squirm out! slither actually!

Maybe you should come to Illinois, Todd Stroger is so out of control. We need help stopping him Pa.....Leez save us!!! Todd is so out of control. If I see him I will poke him in the ribs and tell him to wipe that grin off his face. OK so that one will have my MO all over it as they take me off to CC Jail. No, seriously I'll behave, going to CC Jail is the last place I want to be.
I saw the last CC (Cook County) Board meeting, all he did was giggle and grin throughout the whole thing, or when the Chair of the various committees was up, he and Chief Handler Lance Tyson, giggled and grinned throughout. And Cousin Donna had to answer questions, and by her attitude she has a lot of Stroger blood.

And I saw the debate with Darcel Beavers and Jackson's wife, Sandi(Jesse Jr. congressman whose big battle is getting the 3rd airport in his district, called Peotone)whole 'nother story, says it will bring jobs etc. to a depressed farm area with no roads to it.
Jackson's wife said she will move back to Chicago if she gets the 7th Ward Alderman (kids have gone to school in DC, still do) I still think Beavers will get Daddy's old Ward, a 20 year Cop is the other candidate, he does not have that sassy attitude like the ladies he is up against. Darcel and Sandi have a whole lot of attitude going, but Darcel wins on attitude.

airJackie said...

Wells was right not to put Libby and Cheney on the stand. Fitz would have blown them away. All the information is out now anyway so new indictments will be coming. We know the dumb people who made up the fake information for the invasion of Iraq. We saw the Pulitzer Journalist who have selective memory. We know now how dysfunktional the White House is. We know that all the WH staff will lie to protect Bush and Cheney. So we don't need more of the same thing. Now the jurors will say GUILTY. Wells will then appeal then the appeal will stand and the Libby will go to jail.

SP Biloxi said...

Chicago Native:

I feel your pain. Todd is out of control. But, more of the taxpayers and you need to lock arms and fight Todd. If the public gave the GOP a serious spanking in 2006 November election, so can Chicago. It is those who will rise up to the occasion and fight Todd..
