Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Pelosi has some few choice words for Dick

You'll recall that earlier today Dick Cheney suggested that the 64% of the American people who oppose Bush's "surge" escalation in Iraq are basically terrorist sympathizers.On her new blog, the Gavel, Speaker Pelosi has a few words for Vice President No-One-Likes-Me-Anymore No-One-Ever-Liked-Me:

Vice President Cheney continues to question the patriotism of those of us in Congress who challenge the Bush Administration’s misguided policies in Iraq, but his latest attack is beneath the office of the Vice President, especially at a time of war.Mischaracterizations by the Vice President will not dissuade Congress from developing, on a bipartisan basis, a responsible new direction for U.S. policy in Iraq that brings our troops home safely and soon. I hope the President will repudiate and distance himself from the Vice President’s remarks.

The five deferrment and draft dodger owes those soldiers an apology...


Anonymous said...

Terrorists with US weapons in Iran, another aircraft carrier to the Gulf? And we should trust Cheney. Pelosi knows to go after the head of the snake, because the Gerbil is just the back end.

SP Biloxi said...

That is what she is doing and Waxman. She knows who wear the pants in the WH.