Thursday, February 15, 2007

Oil lobbyist and Bush enviro lawyer share vacation home.

“Nine months before agreeing to let ConocoPhillips delay a half-billion-dollar pollution cleanup, the government’s top environmental prosecutor bought a $1 million vacation home with the company’s top lobbyist,” the AP reports. “Also in on the Kiawah Island, S.C., house deal was former Deputy Interior Secretary J. Steven Griles, the highest-ranking Bush administration official targeted for criminal prosecution in the Jack Abramoff corruption probe.”

Yeah, and he told the public that he didn't know Abramoff...


Anonymous said...

I am convinced that either this WH needs a reality check or they don't know how to tell the truth.

Anonymous said...

Oh I dont' why I did it, but yes I had to watch Guiliani on Larry King last night. I could not get the image of Guiliani out of my mind swinging his hips and wearing a blond wig. I wonder if he is a closet transvestite? He was way too good to be an amatuer.
Anyhow, according to polls if the election was today Guiliani would win, the Republican nomination......another poll showed that if people had a choice to vote for a black man, a woman or a Jewish person 94% pick Black Man 88% Woman and 70 something a Jewish person, Is Guiliani Jewish?

SP Biloxi said...

And you had to watch the sinner last night on Larry King?

"I wonder if he is a closet transvestite?"

Well, if Guiliani doesn't hit on you, then you know your answer! LOL!

Yeah, the WH is so far from reality that it makes people like me cringe.

Anonymous said...

I usually don't watch Larry King because he is into having the Laci family on over and over, the Goldman's etc. not that I don't feel bad for these families but this stuff has spun its course, and he also has celebrities etc. on. But Edwards was supposed to be on afterward but was stuck in LA traffic.

I am just amazed that Guiliani is the Republican front runner--that shows you that party is in deep doo doo.