Monday, February 26, 2007

A Nonpartisan Reputation at Stake

When the jury in I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby's perjury trial returns with its verdict, its decision also will intensify the debate over whether Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald should have brought the case in the first place
Former senator Fred Thompson said that win or lose, Fitzgerald will be judged as a prosecutor run amok who chased petty political crimes "to the ends of the Earth."

"He had to realize early on that the matter he was appointed to investigate was not a crime," said Thompson, who is a board member of a group raising legal funds for Libby. "He should have put his little papers in his briefcase and gone back to Chicago."

Mary Jo White, a former U.S. attorney who worked with Fitzgerald on the World Trade Center case, said the pressure on Fitzgerald is magnified because his investigation reached Bush and Cheney, both of whom were questioned. Opponents and supporters of Bush, the war and the investigation will be rooting for vindication in the verdict, she said.

"Any case that is as high-profile as this is important to win because of how it will be portrayed -- and misportrayed," White said. But she said that judges and defense lawyers consider Fitzgerald a straight shooter and that that will not change.
The trial has given Fitzgerald chances to show his well-known mastery of facts and his expertise at cross-examination.


Anonymous said...

OMG Bil,

What is your take on this?
7 Reasons to nuke US

As far as the Fitz matter, he is between a rock & a hard spot if he didn't some would say he's scared, so he did now he has that angle to hear.

SP Biloxi said...

"They scream peace, but what they mean is war; they shout freedom but what they mean is enslavement; they shout democracy but what they mean is democracy for its multinationals."

Basically they are saying that U.S. are speaking from too sides of their tongues. It is very frightening on what the Gerbil has done in other cultures. He has turned our country into World War III. And you can tell from the tone of the articles how angry their culture is of our government. The Gerbil preaches so much of the bible. He needs to reread the bible about humanity. It has become an eye for an eye.

Yeah, Fitz is between a rock and hard spot. It is in the jurors' hands the fate of Scooter. Only the few people out of the crowd know that he did the right thing for the American people and the judicial system no matter what the verdict is.

FBI said...

I feel sorry for Fitzie because of all of the pressure that goes with this high-profile case...I think everyone will be glad when it is over. I only hope the jurors do the right thing!