Tuesday, February 06, 2007

My Pet Goat Library proposal highlights growing government secrecy

A proposal to site the George W. Bush Presidential Library at Southern Methodist University in Texas has highlighted growing difficulties in obtaining documents from the government based on a Bush executive order issued quietly after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, RAW STORY can report.
Government openness activists are using the library proposal to bring attention to increased official secrecy.

A Bush executive order shortly after 9/11 gave presidents greater privilege to restrict the availability of documents from presidential libraries and other major national archives, according to a
story published today in Inside Higher Ed. He quotes Benjamin Hufbauer, an art historian at the University of Louisville who has written about presidential libraries, as explaining why some are saying SMU should refuse to host the Bush library.
"If you don’t have all the papers, instead you have just a museum of political propaganda," Hufbauer says


Anonymous said...

Between all the secrecy and lack of Chimp intelligence, how do they have anything left to put in this library?

SP Biloxi said...

Except My Pet Goat collections, booze collection, cannabis stacks, Albert Camus' book, The Stranger, and pictures of Crawford Ranch...