Wednesday, February 14, 2007

More on Hookergate...

Before he was caught and sent to jail, former Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham was entertained by prostitutes hired by a defense contractor, according to a new federal indictment against a man he has accused of bribing him with gifts of money, meals and favors.
On Aug. 15 and 16, 2003, Cunningham was in the company of prostitutes in his private quarters of the Hapuna Suite at Hawaii's Hapuna Beach Prince hotel, the document states.
Cunningham had traveled to Hawaii with Brent Wilkes, owner of ADCS Inc., which flourished by receiving millions of dollars worth of government contracts, thanks to Cunningham's interventions. Cunningham has pleaded guilty and is now serving time in prison. He described a co-conspirator, whom prosecutors identified as Wilkes, as one of his key bribers in his plea agreement.
Around 5 p.m. on the 15th, Wilkes told one of his employees on the trip to hire two prostitutes for the evening, according to the document, filed today. He gave the employee $600 to pay for two hours' work from each prostitute, according to the indictment.
Six hours later, two prostitutes arrived accompanied by their "driver," the indictment states. The indictment places quotation marks around "driver." The employee escorted the two prostitutes up to the Hapuna Suite, the document says.


Anonymous said...

Go to your posting on 24, I left you a special GOP treat.

SP Biloxi said...

LOL! I saw it! That video would never make the cut on T.V. And you had to make sit and watch it? That was more like torture!!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I thought Guiliani did very well in drag, like maybe he has had a lot of practice, way too much, did really too good with the walk in heels. And this guy is the GOP frontrunner LOL, they are in trouble with the GOP. Too bad he didn't show up like that on Sean Hannity's show, oh and this will never end up on FAUX news anyhow.

I am sure the purell won't be enough to rid of that image. I hope your lunch stayed down ok? Sorry, forgot it might be lunchtime for you there.

Look for this add to show up again, say national TV ads?
But seriously, what guy would really want to go drag like that? And I'm sorry but if some guy I was dating ever ended up in drag with all the makeup and all, that's the end of that relationship, that would be an image I could not get over......eewwww. No thanks, like the way football players and baseball players are built and walk anyhow, not a guy who can swing his hips in a dress....puke