Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Libby Trial: Legal Arguments Part Three

Jeffress: Transcript of Condi's June 8 appearance on Stephanopoulous on ABC.
Fitz: No objection.
J To show why people may have acted as they did in that time.
Bench conference.
3:56pm ET
Update 2:

Walton: That was all about Condi's June 8 appearance, Libby's state of mind in June 2003.
Wells: One final stipulation, then I intend to rest my case.
Former Inspector John Eckenrode,
1) Eckenrode was Special Agent in FBI in charge of the investigation concerning possible unauthorized disclosure of Plame's affiliation with CIA
2) On November 14 and 24, Eckenrode spoke by telephone with Russert
3) Eckenrode prepared an FD 302 report, November 24 report that recorded info that Russert provided. Eckenrode intended it to be accurate report.
4) November 24 report states that Russert was requested to refrain from reporting on FBI's questions and he agreed to request
5) Report describes Russert's account of Libby conversation. Russert advised he recalled at least one, possibly two conversations with Libby
6) Report states in part, "Russert does not recall stating to Libby anything about the wife of former ambassador Joe Wilson. Although he could not rule out the possibility that he had such an exchange. Russert was at a loss to remember it. He believes that this would have been something he would remember.
Wells; The defense rests
4:05pm ET
Fitz: Ms. Kedian will read one stipulation into the record.

More on the Libby trial.

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