Monday, February 05, 2007

Libby Trial: Bond is Up! Part Three

David Corn's got off to a miserable start, as I spent 15-20 minutes haranguing him about our competing theories of the 1×2x6 Plame leaks, in the light of special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald nearly having to give himself the Heimlich maneuver after being asked just what his team had confirmed about them. Neither Corn nor I gave an inch, so that will remain a cliffhanger for the time being. (Expect a post about this tonight, if I'm not too exhausted.) But thanks to David for being a good sport about discussing it.
It's 1:30 p.m. in Washington, D.C., FBI agent Bond is back at the stand for more Chinese water torture, so it looks like we're ready to get under way.
Update 2:
NOTES: (1) This is not an official transcript — just a very loose paraphrase, at best — so don't treat it as one. (2) I'll tell you the time at the end of each update; expect about 15-20 minutes before the next one. The hamsters that run the servers will appreciate it if you don't refresh excessively in the meantime. (3) I didn't write the book on the Valerie Plame outing — but you should buy it, if you haven't already. My own previous writings on Plamemania can be found here. (4) My own notes will be in parentheses and italics.
Fitz says that after Bond, we'll have Scooter's grand jury testimony… and, surprise, there are more "issues" to be resolved. There may be a break. Or maybe not.
Jeffress takes the podium. and starts to explain an issue regarding Andrea Mitchell. A voice says, "Are you sure this is what I'm objecting to?" Much crosstalk.
It's 1:35pm ET.
Update 3:
Wells: Agent Bond, I only have a few more questions… (Hallelujah.)
Wells walks Bond through the June 10 INR memo, reiterating that Libby said he never saw it, nor did he discuss it with Rex Marc Grossman, nor did he or Cheney have any role in directing the creation of the memo.
And Libby quoting Colin Powell during a Sept. 30 Situation Room meeting that it was no secret that Valerie Wilson sent her husband to Niger (this is a new wrinkle on the "Everybody knows…" story mentioned in the last thread).
Now we're reliving the Tenet statement on July 11, 2003 about the uranium controversy. Apparently Condi Rice wanted to make a joint statement with Tenet, but then Tenet insisted on making a solo statement.
More minute of Libby's testimony, followed by acknowledgement that Libby signed a waiver releasing reporters from promises of confidentiality. This is all Wells re-stating Libby's testimony, followed by Wells saying "Yes" or "That's what he told us."
The defense enters into evidence Libby's schedule for July 11, and also June 10, 11, and 12, 2003.
Now Wells asks Bond, was it your understanding when you started working on this investigation, that it was about who leaked Valerie Wilson's employment at the CIA to Robert Novak? (Yes.) And are you aware that Richard Armitage has admitted to relating this information to Novak? (Yes.)
No further questions. Time for re-direct, by prosecutor Debra Bon Amici Peter Zeidenberg.
It's 1:49pm ET.
Update 4:
Z: Agent Bond, when Mr. Libby was first interviewed, his attorney stated that Mr. Libby felt he had not had enough time to review documents, right?
B: Yes.
Z: Tell us about the scheduling of the second interview.
B: It was scheduled for five weeks later.
Z: Did Mr. Libby convey that he still had not had enough time to review documents?
B: No.
Z: Was there any material difference in what he said in the second interview versus the first?
B: No.
Zeidenberg starts to ask another question that I didn't catch, and is interrupted by an objection. There's a private chat in front of Judge Walton.
Z: Did any of the documentation that Libby provided show that the President had authorized the leaking declassification of the NIE prior to July 8, 2003? (Whoa, that topic came out of left field — maybe EW remembers it being asked about last week.)
B: No.
Zeidenberg brings up the didn't recall/denied dust-up regarding Ari Fleischer. Cites notes saying "No conversations with Rove, Ari."
Z: No conversations regarding…?
B: Wilson's wife.
Zeidenberg brings up similar notes of Libby saying he didn't have any conversations with other government officials — he would only have talked about Wilson's wife with Cheney or Cathie Martin.
It's 2:05pm.
More fun with notes — they cite Libby saying that he may have discussed with Cheney whether to get the Plame info out to the press, followed by "does not recall." Zeidenberg points out that the very next sentence is about calling Matt Cooper, then says "who else to call." (Z. doesn't go on, but right after that are the names Evan Thomas and Glenn Kessler.)

More on the Libby trial.

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