Monday, February 05, 2007

Libby Trial: Bond is Up! Part Deux

Aha, we're not done with FBI agent Deborah Bond yet. She takes the witness seat.
The jury comes in, and Judge Walton apologizes for the long delay, asks to make sure they haven't seen any media reports on the case, and reminds them of the importance of not doing so — adding that media coverage is likely to increase (see the earlier thread), so be extra careful.
Wells: Last week, you testified about Mr. Libby's lunch with Ari Fleischer on July 8th.
Bond: I think you have the date incorrect. It was July 7th.
W: I apologize. You were asked about Libby's testimony that he adamantly denied discussing Mr. Wilson's wife at this lunch.
B: Yes.
W: I want to turn to the notes that were taken during the November questioning of Mr. Libby
(Speculation among the press of more mis-written letters — using a "t" instead of an "f", etc.)
B: Those are not my notes. (Oops, hold everything. Sound is turned off, and everyone starts milling around.)
It's 11:21 am ET.
Update 2:
To summarize a few minutes of back-and-forth… Wells' point is that the November notes don't mention Libby's denial of discussing Plame during the Ari Fleischer lunch. Bond explains to him who took those notes, that she only skimmed them, and that an FBI summary isn't a verbatim transcript.
Wells belabors the point that the notes say "Libby does not recall" discussing Wilson's wife. He says that in writing up a report of the interview, the FBI agent said Libby "adamantly denied" discussing Wilson's wife.
Bond says that they asked the FBI agent and verified the report. Wells says, but that's not what's in the notes, right? Bond admits this is true.
Wells displays the notes Libby took about being told by Cheney that Plame worked in the Counterproliferation Division of the CIA.
Now he says he wants to talk about Libby's July 12 conversation with Judith Miller. Plays it up as a "very important" conversation with regard to the indictment. But says it's not mentioned in the FBI summary of Libby's interview.
It's 11;36 am ET.

More on the Libby trial

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