Monday, February 12, 2007

Libby Trial: Bob Novak is up! Part Six

F: Just to be clear, your story is not generally available for non-subscribers. AP distributes it to subscribers, who are embargoed, they print it on the date
F: First meeting with Wilson
RN: On MTP. The day of his op-ed.
F: You did not become fast friends.
RN: We did not exchange words. Most people in the green room quietly read. He was giving his opinion at some length about how things were done in the Clinton NSC, in a very loud voice, I thought that was an obnoxious performance.
F: Did you share that experience with Rove that week.
RN: I might have.
F: Did you discuss 1999 trade delegation with Rove
RN: Yes, that was related to Niger and uranium
F: No specific recollection of talking about Wilson's wife.
RN: I'm sorry.
F: You have no specific recollection of talking about Joe Wilson's wife.
RN: No
F: But you did talk to him that week.
W: Fitz asked questions about column being sent on AP wire and being embargoed. To your understanding, reporters would be able to read the article.
RN I presume so.
W Some of your customers some of the largest newspapers. He starts listing them, Says Boston Globe
RN [corrects him] Boston Herald.
NO further questions.
We're going to jurors questions.
Novak looks like he's comfortable that he's gotten through this. His is now doing his nose up in the air arrogant look. and rocking gently back and forth in the chair.
Still in sidebar
2:30pm ET
Update 2:

Now Novak sitting with his hand in front of his face looking at the screen, presumably the column.
Now Novak leafing through the paper copy of his op-ed.
Libby's been storing his water bottle on the floor. Now he's drinking it.
Walton: Without relating what someone would have said in response to what you said. Did you, once you learned about Wilson's wife and the fact that she worked at the CIA, did you discuss it with anyone prior to your article.
Novak: yes, I spoke to Bill Harlow.
Fitz–just the names.
Walton: Harlow
RN: Spokesman for CIA. I testified that I might have asked Libby about, but I don't have a clear recollection because I don't have a clear response.
W: Rick Holt. Who is Rick Holt.
RN: A lobbyist and a close friend. I talk to him every day.
W: did you have conversations with him about it. Did you give him a draft of the article.
RN: Yes.
W: Mr. Holt had the article in his hand by 4:00 that day. And Holt is a lobbyist about town. Would you describe him as a gossip.
RN: He talks to a lot of people, even me, he's a good news source.
W: He talks to a lot of media people.
F: Did you have an understanding about what he could do with the copy of the article
RN: No sir. I didn't have an understanding with him. I had assumed he would not share it, there was not an agreement made between us.
Fitz, one moment.
2:38pm ET
Update 3:

F: Did he ever tell you he had shared it
RN: Vague recollection that he had told the WH that there was an interesting piece coming out.
RN: In those conversations I had with him on Friday.
F: Your belief is that he told the WH on Friday that an interesting piece coming out.
RN: Yes
Thank you.
10 minute break.
2:40 pm ET

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