Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Fitzgerald: "There Is a Cloud Over the Vice President"

From Jason Leopold:

For the first time since the investigation into the leak of a covert CIA operative began more than three years ago, Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald has suggested that Vice President Dick Cheney was behind the effort to unmask the officer, the wife of a vocal critic of the administration's Iraq policy.

During closing arguments Tuesday in the obstruction of justice and perjury trial of former vice presidential staffer, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Fitzgerald told jurors that "there is a cloud over the vice president. ... a cloud over the White House over what happened," according to a copy of the transcript of Fitzgerald's statements.

"We didn't put that cloud there," Fitzgerald said. "That cloud's there because the defendant obstructed justice. That cloud is something you just can't pretend isn't there."

Moreover, Fitzgerald told jurors that Libby, Cheney's former chief of staff, discussed aspects of the investigation with the vice president only when he was told by investigators not to talk about the probe, according to the transcript. Libby is "not supposed to be talking to other people," Fitzgerald said. But "the only person [Libby] told is the vice president. Think about that."

The suggestion by Fitzgerald that Cheney was complicit in the unmasking of Valerie Plame Wilson's undercover CIA status led to immediate speculation by pundits that the special prosecutor is widening his probe and may have Cheney in his crosshairs.

A year ago, truthout published a series of investigative reports that stated Fitzgerald was digging deeper into the role Cheney played in the leak itself. Those reports were largely ignored and in some cases dismissed by other media organizations.


airJackie said...

All the smart people who had more information then the public knew this but it took Fitz to speak up. Like any secret or crime most didn't have the guts to say it out loud most were waiting for someone else to say it first. Cheney has been in charge since Bush took office. Enron was part of his plan along with oil companies. The US taxpayers have been robbed blind since Bush stole the first election. Now all these Journalist are acting like they are so surprised ya right. The White House and the GOP are watching our troops die and the injured troops are living with mice and roaches are 2.9 trillion dollars goes to Iraq and war profiteers. Yes the cloud over Cheney is the cloud of Satan.

Anonymous said...

There is also a slime following the Veep.