Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Chimpster admits that he lied about Iran

Bush today told Ed Henry of CNN, as I noted in the post below, that he has no idea if the senior levels of the Iranian government know anything about supposed weapons being supplied to insurgents in Iraq. Bush today:
We know the Quds Force is part of the Iranian government. I don't think we know who picked up the phone and said 'the Quds Force go do this,' we know it's a vital part of the Iranian government.
The problem is, this outright contradicts what Bush's own "senior military" advisers told the American media just three days ago. They said they knew quite well who told the Quds force to "do this."


Anonymous said...

Just goes to show you he has no idea what is going on be it pot, booze or whatever. His handlers are spending less time with him because they are so busy with damage control for the GOP right now. And Guiliani is the front runner.........OMG.......they are in trouble, this guy has a walk in closest full of skeletens.

SP Biloxi said...

Yup, the booze and cannibis will get him through the day, Other than that, he is clueless of what is going on. He better check with his boss, Cheney.