Friday, February 02, 2007

Bush shifts $1.3 billion away from levee funding

This is a shame...

“President Bush is expected to shift $1.3 billion away from raising and armoring levees, installing floodgates and building permanent pumping in Southeast Louisiana in order to plug long-anticipated financial shortfalls in other hurricane-protection projects, a move Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) describes as a retreat from the president’s commitment to protect the whole New Orleans area.”


Anonymous said...

the Chimp really needs to take care of his own country first, all the homeless people, all the people without insurance, all the people who go without medical and dental care, all the people who go hungry, all the people who work minimum wage jobs who are still at poverty level, all the infrastructure problems....New Orleans being the biggie.....on and on......

SP Biloxi said...

Yes, you are right. Clean up your backyard first before entering someone elses.