Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Bush finds his inner Clinton — Six years too late

What changed? As Fred Kaplan explained, Bush “finally got a nuclear deal with North Korea because he finally started negotiating like Bill Clinton.”
A constant mantra for the past dozen years — chanted by Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney on several occasions — is that the Agreed Framework, which the Clinton administration signed with North Korea in 1994, was a naive and disastrous failure.
And yet the deal that Bush’s diplomats just negotiated is very similar to Clinton’s accord in substance — and nearly identical in its approach to arms control. […]
The talks made progress after the Clinton team made offers that called on the two sides to take actions simultaneously and in step-by-step phases. That’s what the deal reached Monday calls for, too. The “Joint Statement,” released at the six-party talks in Beijing Tuesday, refers to “coordinated steps … in a phased manner,” “the principle of ‘action for action,’ ” and “actions in parallel.”
The Clinton team also detected, once talks got under way, that disputes between the two sides were almost always resolved in small, informal settings. Bush has resisted these kinds of meetings, but that’s where the outline of this new deal was sketched out — in one-on-one sessions in Berlin.


Anonymous said...

Yes I read that earlier
North Korea

SP Biloxi said...

And the Gerbil is 6 years too late. Has ever the heard of the word: "talks." What about Iran?

airJackie said...

Don't bet your lunch money on that deal. Clinton had a deal it was gone when the Gerbil took office. Now that the Gerbil has lied to everyone don't think NK is willing to believe a word this Administration say. The deal made was 1000% more then Clintons deal. As Iran watches in the wings. Now nothing is said in the deal about current nukes only stop making them. Nothing is said about he blue print which can be sold to others. So in short nothing is really going on here exspect who's fooling who. Yes North Korea isn't honest but what idiot would think they would believe Bush after he has lied for 6 years. Bush illegally invaded Iraq and is planning the same for Iran. Wake up folks every countries is now looking for nukes to protect themselves from the real Axis of Evil aka George W. Bush.

Anonymous said...

You are right, all the other countries know who the axis of evil is, and they are responding.

Yes Biloxi,
Talk with Iran would be better than threaten Iran.

SP Biloxi said...

Chicago Native:

That's why the Gerbil lacks in the relationship skills department. You keep a relationship with all leaders, good and bad. You never know when you will need them. The Gerbil basically pissed off all of the leaders that he claims are the axis of evil. We may not like the way Chavez, NK, Iran, and other lesders run their country but they can be useful for resources. That is why the dumbass President is just that: a dumbass. Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer...