Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Breaking News!!!!

On the Libby trial...

***BREAKING: The jury sent a note to Judge Walton at the end of the day today. I've been informed that the contents of the note will be addressed in open court at 9:30 am ET tomorrow morning, following a previously scheduled matter that was already book in for 9:00 am ET. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up. Could be as innocuous as a question about the meaning of a jury instruction, or as substantive as a verdict or a deadlock. We won't know anything further until tomorrow morning. I've got this from two separate sources at the courthouse. Hang onto your hats, kids — and see you in the morning. — CHS***

***UPDATE: I'm told the note from the jury was a question of some sort, but nothing about the type or subject of the question. Just FYI. We'll find out in the morning.***

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