Monday, January 08, 2007

White House "manufacturing evidence" story struck a chord in the blogosphere

Our post last week about the White House made its way through the blogosphere over the past few days. We reported that the Bush Administration struck a deal with the Secret Service to prevent the release of White House visitor records. That deal was struck right after CREW sued the Secret Service for records relating to visits to the White House by Jack Abramoff. The background on our lawsuit can be found here. Our lawyer, Ann Weismann, had the best line: "It appears the White House is actually manufacturing evidence to further its own agenda."
We found links on the following blogs -- and want to thank the bloggers for helping us pump out this story:
Thanks Melanie for all you do..


FBI said...

Congratulations, SPB!

But watch out fame cuts both ways...LOL j/k

I saw your post at Fitzie's blog, and had to come by and harrass one of my favorite bloggers! Enjoy your new found fame, and pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Justice League is a wonderful & informative blog. Now I have to go back to work...

SP Biloxi said...
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SP Biloxi said...

Well, it's thanks for bloggers like you. So, I do really take al the credit. Remember, anyone can win a trophy but it takes a team to win a championship.. I am just a shock as you when I went to her site and saw my blog mention by her. It tells you that you never know who is watching..

So, harrass me anytime on the blog. LOL!

p.s. you don't have to worry about me allowing fame to go my head. Success comes and goes but true friendship never goes away. I saw too many people who got a little bit a fame and let that go to their head.

Anonymous said...

Good Job!

SP Biloxi said...

No, thank you both, Chicago Native and Nan!