Friday, January 05, 2007

Put away the shovels!

Democrats pick senator in intensive care to lead spending subcommittee

"Sen. Tim Johnson won a coveted chairmanship of a Senate Appropriations subcommittee Thursday, even though he is still in critical condition after emergency brain surgery last month," an early AP wire story is reporting.

Good luck, Mr. Johnson...


Anonymous said...

Look here is a good example: John Stroger 77 year old with previous heart problems and diabetes was running Cook County from his bed? Well until after the deadline for filing to run for President ran out.

So why can't a guy who is much younger with no previous health problems be nominated?

SP Biloxi said...

I don't know what to tell you. But, then again, you have a healthy younger nimrod, Todd Urkel, that left his brains in the closet.,,

Anonymous said...

Well Tim Johnson appears that he will bounce back (let's hope & pray), he certainly was young without a long list of medical problems beforehand.

But Daddy John Stroger's condition was not believable, but Junior, the Toddster took his place.