Saturday, January 06, 2007

Saddam to Bush: Thanks for doing a "heckava" job!

“In the week since Saddam Hussein was hanged in an execution steeped in sectarian overtones, his public image in the Arab world, formerly that of a convicted dictator, has undergone a resurgence of admiration and awe,” the New York Times reports. “On the streets, in newspapers and over the Internet, Mr. Hussein has emerged as a Sunni Arab hero who stood calm and composed as his Shiite executioners tormented and abused him.”


Anonymous said...

As predicted! Saddam a matyr.

SP Biloxi said...

Yup, thanks to the Gerbil...

airJackie said...

Saddam was a weak and failing Dictator until the famous PR man George W. Bush took charge. Bin Lidan was made a household name and mothers name their babies Osama. Bush told a failing Saddam and made him a martyr. Who will be next for the famous PR man Bush to make famous. Your right Bush did a heckava job for Saddam.