Sunday, January 07, 2007

A picture tells a thousand words...

January 6, 2007 -- Over 1000 people gathered in Nancy Pelosi's district, on Ocean Beach in San Francisco, to spell out the message "IMPEACH!" "America is a great country," said event organizer Brad Newsham, a local cab driver and author. "But President Bush has betrayed our faith. He mislead us into a disastrous war, and is trampling on our Constitution. He has to go. Now. I hope Nancy Pelosi is listening today."


Anonymous said...

If ever a (p)resident, and vice president needed to be impeached together this is it.

SP Biloxi said...

It is matter of time for the Gerbil and his co-President to be removed.. Just watch the shift of more people yelling impeachment more after the Gerbil's SOTU.

Anonymous said...

The Gerbil had best not include in this Years SOTU how God wanted him to do this that or what not!

Anonymous said...

Or how well the economy or war are going, or how people need more eed-u-Kachion because I have been told to dumb down my resume again and leave off the master's degree and say oh I redid my resume and kept it down to one page and I must of accidentally deleted it.

SP Biloxi said...

Chicago Native:

The public is worn out from the Gerbil's dead horse speech... i my area, they want the Gerbil removed.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure how much of the State of the Union I will be able to watch, I may have to bail and barf and read it on-line later, somehow it's not so bad without it coming out of the Gerbil's mouth, and without all the Gerbilspeak.

SP Biloxi said...

Well, I certainly will not be watching the SOTU address with the Gerbil. We already know that he wants to send more troops. The rest of his speech will be Gerbilspeak. And he has no strategy for Iraq. Just time to get rid of the garbage and convince 2/3 of Congress.