Thursday, January 04, 2007

Nuke party at North Korea coming to town near you..

North Korea prepping new nuke test.

“North Korea appears to have made preparations for another nuclear test,” U.S. defense officials tell ABC News. “We think they’ve put everything in place to conduct a test without any notice or warning.”


FBI said...

I know SPB...Dumbya has wasted so many of our resources and goodwill from other countries...we don't have the resources, alliances or time to deal with North Korea as we should be...(a dangerous situation)

And again, BushCo is focused on Iran...they can't wait to attack them before his term is up.

Also on the radar this Somalia and the Afghan/Pakistani border area...trouble is brewing for sure.

I can't wait to remove this incompetent boob from the WH!!!

SP Biloxi said...


We don't have the resources for North Korea. Just take a look at North Korea soldiers. Ten times greater than our soldiers. Yes, the boob President needs to be removed since he doesn't know his geography and allies in the other countries.