Monday, January 08, 2007

Karl Rove is “as aggressive as ever.”

Guess what Karl has been up to...
Insiders suggest “that Rove had a big hand in distancing Bush from the Iraq Study Group because he believed the bipartisan panel was too critical of current Iraq policy. Rove, aides say, believes that victory is still achievable and that Bush should pursue it as vigorously as he can.”


airJackie said...

Bush's brain is now dysfunctional and everything he does now back fires. All things must come to an end if Bush keeps the brain his departure from the White House will be faster then one would think. The backroom deals and illegal acts are getting caught faster and being published. No more secret crimes for the White House.

SP Biloxi said...

Rove has a lot more to lose if he doesn't deliver to the chimpster and his administration.