Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Chimpster blames war for poor economic numbers

The president chatted with ABC News business reporter Betsy Stark yesterday as the White House tries to shift public attention away from the war and onto the economy. (via D. Froomkin)
Stark: “You’ve . . . been frustrated. You haven’t gotten more credit for this good economy. Can that be summed up in one word? Can that be summed up as Iraq?”
Bush: “I think so, yes. Look, it’s a — people are working and — and they’re — and wages are up. But we’re in a time of war. And its — war is unsettling. War is negative.” […]
Stark: “I know you don’t love polls. But I’m going to tell you one we did recently that showed that 67 percent say you don’t understand the problems of average Americans.
Why do you think so many people feel that way?”
Bush: “You know, I don’t know. It’s an interesting question. I think it’s because of the war, again, I think because people are feeling pretty down about, you know, things because of the war. On the other hand, I know if the government took their money in terms of higher taxes, they would feel even worse.”


Anonymous said...

The Chimp clearly went on this interview without being briefed by his handlers, he is talking in circles, economy-war war-economy, maybe sniffing in too much diesel fuel from his tractor expedition earlier in the day in Peoria (downstate not too far from the Capital-Springfield)

SP Biloxi said...

"maybe sniffing in too much diesel fuel from his tractor expedition earlier in the day in Peoria (downstate not too far from the Capital-Springfield)"