Friday, January 05, 2007

Check out the minimum wage in each state

Purple: greater than $5.15
Turquoise: greater than $7.25
Burgandy: less than or equal to $5.15


Anonymous said...

The minimum wage should at least keep someone above poverty when working 40 hours a week. $8.50 an hour on a 40hr/wk job, if you can live off that will keep you out of poverty. Pretty sad.

SP Biloxi said...

That depends if that $8.50 keep with inflation, cost of living, and lifestyle of the person in each state. Most people rely on credit cards as lifestyle.. I think tbat no only miminum wage should be raised but additional money for the cost of living.

Anonymous said...

It should be a minimum living wage for each state, that is dependant on cost of living. Crime would also go down when people are at a living wage, thus saving law enforcement costs which that is a big area from courts, to lawyers, to prisons, etc. etc. etc. All of which the County/State/City pay for already.

SP Biloxi said...

Well, one thing should be more controlled: CEOs and top executive's salary. If the company doesn't meet their goals in revenue, then the CEO shouldn't get a raise nor increase in shares in the company. CEOs should be evaluated by the shareholders as well as the employees...

Anonymous said...

There is way too much discrepency between what workers make and what CEOs, CFOs, etc. make and the workers 37k average worker salary, 14 million average CEO/CFO etc. not even in the same ballpark. Workers need to get rewarded by their work, why just reward the top?