Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Turdblossom's Fall

Eric Boehlert over at MediaMatters pens a good piece on the hero worship of Karl Rove among our major media. All during the summer, reporters like Time Magazine's Mike Allen wrote stenography for Rove, spinning the meme that Democrats were headed for a fall and that Rove and his mythical powers would rise up and crush Democratic hopes again. It wasn't just the media, as many center-left bloggers, me included, believed that Rove and his voter targeting strategy coupled with his "scare the base" approach could wash away 2-3 points of a Democratic lead all by themselves.

Rove has led the GOP to defeat and borderline irrelevance. He and his political strategy have pushed the party to an internal battle between the cultists and everyone else which threatens to consume their chances in 2008. It pays to remember that of the four national elections that Rove has been involved in during this decade, he is only batting .500, and those two wins came about solely because of 9/11. Rove lost the 2000 campaign, and lost again in 2006 when time ran out on his strategy and voters finally had enough of the GOP.

Perhaps the media will now take off their kneepads and see this as well.

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