Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Thanks, Howard...

From Howard Dean's briefing at the National
Press Club this morning:

Question: What role did the liberal blogosphere play?

Howard Dean:

That’s a growing influence on politics in general. There is also a conservative blogosphere, not only the liberal blogosphere, of course.
The netroots community can be very proud. They’re playing a bigger role.
Without the blogs, Jerry McInerny and Carole Shay (NH-1), would not have won. Entirely grassroots effort, without support form the Party, including us.
A big deal.

Here’s an even bigger deal. As you know, robocalls, flyers, low-ball election techniques. We knew about that instantly because of the blogs. We are not sure (Repubs) did it more than in the past, but we knew about it faster. Updates every 10 minutes from people who called 1-888-DEM-VOTE. (or whatever). We were able to get lawyers to polling places immediately.

The instantaneousness of the blogs, of people who read the blogs, who get that information to us, is a huge improvement over 2004.

Blogworld rules!

Karl Rove is not boy genius. He is the author of the biggest GOP defeat in most of our lifetimes. ...Thanks, Karl for making the Democrats look good... Cheers!

Meet the losers: Karl Rove, George Bush and the GOPs. The three knuckleheads!

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