Thursday, November 09, 2006

Taking 'Turd Blossom' down a peg — or two

This is in Boy Wonder's future...

For years, many of us on the left (and I include myself in this category) seem to have struggled with Rove-envy. He's the "genius" mastermind; the "architect;" the strategist without which the GOP would crumble. Except, as we're finally beginning to realize, he's not really any of those things. Rove is more snake-oil salesman than Svengali.
Yesterday, during his press conference, the president was asked how his book-reading competition was going with Rove. Bush said he was losing. "I obviously was working harder on the campaign than he was," the president said. After reporters responded with surprised laughter, Rove "wore a sheepish grin and stared at his lap."
And with good reason. Rove crafted a can't-miss gameplan, told everyone that there was no way Dems could reclaim Congress, and made key decisions that helped dictate the outcome. Except, as Matt Yglesias noted, those decisions were rather foolish: "It's worth pointing out that this election ought to demolish the Myth of Karl Rove."

1 comment:

airJackie said...

What a sick name to call a friend. Well Karl was once the brain now he's drained. No longer the main man in the White House just another hang on. Look for the investigations to give Karl a date with an orange jumpsuit and jail cell. Daddy Bush is going to have to use all his favors to save the Gerbil. Cheney will cash in his stock. Rummy only needs the nursing home money.