Saturday, November 18, 2006

Project Censored: Media Accountability Conference

For the past 27 years, Project Censored, a program based at Sonoma State University, in Rohnert Park, California, has compiled a list of the top 25 underreported stories from around the country. This year's list, arranged and reviewed by approximately 200 students and faculty, again contains stories that, for whatever reason, were deemed unfit for American eyes by the mainstream media. We disagree. More on the story.

Great journalist, Jason!


Anonymous said...

I am thinking Jack Ryan is out of work. His GOP activity, (group activities, that caused his divorce), either way Obama was able to slam dunk that election, thanks to the GOP deviate behavior, uncovered.

" He taught at an inner-city Chicago Catholic parochial school, Hales Franciscan High School."

But then again who knows, he could still be there teaching. Kind of scary if you were a parent of a child there.

SP Biloxi said...

Well, whatever the case of how Obama had a slam dunk election, he seems to be likable guy in Illmois. I heard two of his books are just awesome. From the interview of Obama, Obama is a down to earth guy with such intelligence.. I know the GOP are afraid of Obama...

Anonymous said...

Others are saying Obama my be hurt by his real estate dealings with Rezko, and now Guitierrez (Congress-IL-D), Blagojevich'w wife etc. Some rumor Rezko may cut a deal with the Feds and start singing all his real estate deals.

SP Biloxi said...

Well, I think that is why Obama came out forward early to admit his mistakes in his real estate dealing with Rezko. If he had waiting, then it could be damaging for him. In my state, he is well respected.. So, I don't think that is a major blow to hisrun for Prez. McCain has a lot to worry about.