Thursday, November 02, 2006

People in droves flocked to buy Fingers Foley movie

This tells you the mentality of people. First, Scooter Libby's trash book, The Apprentice, and now Foley's movie.

Foley Movie Flying off the Shelves Despite Lousy Reviews

While he was still in Congress, Mark Foley appeared in a B-action movie that went straight to DVD. Despite bad reviews, hard-to-find copies of the movie are now in hot demand as word is spreading of Foley's forgotten cameo.
The movie, formerly titled "The Librarians" and retitled "Strike Force," is a thriller about the hunt for a kidnapper in South Florida. Then-Congressman Foley played a bit part as a -- surprise -- congressman who is reunited with his daughter after she is kidnapped.

Foley also reportedly worked as an extra in the steamy 1981 hit "Body Heat" starring Kathleen Turner and William Hurt, but he ended up on the cutting room floor.

Here is a clip of Foley's cameo appearance.

Hold your laughter on this one!

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