Friday, November 03, 2006

British believe Bush is more dangerous than Kim Jong-il

Truly sad of what the dictator-in-chief has turned this country into:

US allies think Washington threat to world peace · Only Bin Laden feared more in United Kingdom

America is now seen as a threat to world peace by its closest neighbours and allies, according to an international survey of public opinion published today that reveals just how far the country's reputation has fallen among former supporters since the invasion of Iraq.
More on the story.


airJackie said...

Darth Bush should be number 1 Bin Laden isn't as bad. I hope Americans see it the same way Nov 7th. I know the world leaders are laughing at the White House. Let's see how the lap dog Tony Snow handles this mess.

SP Biloxi said...

And look for Bin Laden to run for office. After all, he is less fearful than the Gerbil. LOL!

Yeah, I am curious of Snowjob's spin on this.