Thursday, October 19, 2006

Rove's magic pixie dust turns into saw dust with the GOP

Sorry Karl. The GOP koolaid is dry!

Republicans Walk Away From Rove's "Run On Iraq" Strategy

Adam Nagourney of the NYT runs a piece today that follows on something I mentioned earlier in the week about the NRSC withdrawal from DeWine’s race in Ohio: Rove’s midterm strategy of running on the war and its alleged central relationship to the war on terror has not only failed, but Republicans rather than embrace Iraq on the campaign trail are trying to ignore it. After two elections where Democrats were the ones who tried to ignore Iraq, they are the ones who are making Iraq and the failed Bush occupation a central issue in this campaign.


airJackie said...

SPB I heard the Oct. Surprise is ads showing Bid Ladin's threats of attack there by putting fear back in the minds of Americans. Also mailers to all Republican voters to make sure they are in fear and not think about the child sex offenders their putting back in office to abuse kids. Let's see if the Church is on Satan aka Bush's side or Gods. The Church will have toe decide if they want to support child sex offenders or follow the teachings of God. We'll see Nov. 7th

SP Biloxi said...


Rove ran our ideas of an October surprise.. It would be funny if the October surprise is OBL decices to turn himself in. I know that will never happen.