Thursday, October 26, 2006

Roll Call Provides Scandal Scorecard

Check this out!


Phx said...


Thanks for the Heads up on Mr. Vegas evildoer... :)

Btw: They've added two more GOPs under investigation...

Scandal Sheet now at 19

Rep. Katherine Harris (R-FL) and Rep. Bob Beauprez (R-CO)

Oh and Another 9/11 First Responder Speaks out...David Miller

SP Biloxi said...

Hey thanks GEF!

I didn't knowabout the GOP in Colorado. Horseface Harris is in deep doo doo. Harris wasn't a surprised. Looks like the state of Colorado is looking more blue.

Great video of Mr. Miller. I am glad that he spoke out. The 9/11 families and the public need answers since the Gerbil and government are lying about the 9/11 attack and about how deadly those toxics at ground zero are from what the firefighters, police officers and public inhaled.

Phx said...


Stay Tuned for more sick First Responders to talk out..

This thing has branched out!

SP Biloxi said...

The more people speak out about the truth about the deadly toxics at ground zero and the truth about the 9/11 attack the more the Gerbil Administration is exposed.

SP Biloxi said...
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