Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Ken Lay gets a get out of jail free card for good

It think Lay was really E.T. that phoned home!

Court Vacates Ken Lay's Conviction

The federal judge in Ken Lay's Enron trial has vacated his conviction. Charges against him were dismissed.
In his decision, Lake cited a decision in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals that makes death, before the appeals process has been exhausted, grounds for throwing out a conviction and dismissing an indictment.
Although the Justice Department tried to get Congress to trump the precedent by passing a law, no member of Congress voted for it.
The Department of Justice tried to trump that precedent, however, when it asked Congress in early September to pass a law that would essentially prevent courts from vacating criminal convictions if a defendant dies before going through the entire appeals process....The proposed law does not appear to have been picked up a sponsor in Congress.


airJackie said...

Kenny boy phone home so we can trace the call. Look time will tell about Ken Lay's disappearance. Even the best criminal makes a mistake or a person you never thing of see the dead man walking and very much alive.

SP Biloxi said...

Maybe Kenny Boy paid ET to get out from Earth! LOL! Kenny boy will eventually get caught. As you said, best criminals make mistakes and get sloppy!