Monday, October 30, 2006

The Ginsu prosecutor bitchslaps the naysayers

Patrick Fitzgerald Proves He's an Equal Opportunity Prosecutor

Some interesting things are happening in the U.S. Prosecutor’s office for the Northern District of Illinois. That happens to be the one that is headed by Patrick Fitzgerald, who is doing double duty in pursuing the legal truth about those who committed treason by outing a CIA operative specializing in Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East.
One of the battle cries of the Bush loyalists is that Fitzgerald is a partisan prosecutor. But in Illinois, he is pursuing two extremely intense and high profile investigations of the offices of the two top Democratic office holders in the state: the Governor and the Mayor of Chicago.
If Fitzgerald were a partisan, he wouldn’t be giving Blagojevich and Daley the Ginzu prosecution knife treatment. It’s a bit complicated to explain both investigations, but -- suffice it to say -- Fitzgerald has gotten one room away from both Democratic office holders – and appears extremely close to walking over the legal threshold and stepping into the Governor’s office.
At this point, Mayor Daley doesn’t appear as personally at risk, but trusted staff who surround him are being subpoenaed and prosecuted by the handful.
So if anyone ever claims Fitzgerald is some sort of secret Democrat, just ask the Democratic Governor of Illinois and the legendary Democratic Mayor of Chicago.
They’ll probably tell you that Fitzgerald is a tool of the Bush Administration trying to bring down the Democratic Party in Illinois.

Toss that in the face of Sean Hannity.


FBI said...

Oh yea, our very Special Prosecutor knows how to use Ginsu knives for sure...especially on on "Memory Experts with Alzheimer's disease" LOL

Go Fitzie!

SP Biloxi said...

Maybe the Rugby man can slice and dice the smurf's brain to figure out why in the world would that half pint attorney Irve come up with a lame brain, laughable, and dead horse defense?