Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Fitz's filings for October 30, 2006

In Fitz's filings, he argues that he doesn't need to explain why Libby was charged , why others weren't charged, or why the source of the leak escaped prosecution.

Here is Fitz's filings.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Nothing from nothing leaves nothing. Libby has no defense. The defense wants to let nothing in this case as to have no case at all. Let's see Libby lied to investigators and the Grand Jury but there is no case. Libby doesn't want the Jury to hear about Plame being a CIA covert agent. What was the investigation and questioning about the weather. Look most of the information and classified info is already public. Thanks to Novak on the talk shows Americans know almost everything even the fact that Plame was a covert agent so what excuse will the attorneys ask for next. Libby should say he has a drinking problem and go to rehab then say he's cured of the memory lost illness and now can remember what he didn't before. Ha it might work.