Monday, October 09, 2006

Coultergeist's spin on Plamegate

Compliments by artist Stephen Pitt...

Joe Wilson: End of an error

The first point of the liberals' conspiracy theory has been proved false since Britain's Butler Commission reviewed its government's prewar intelligence on Iraq and concluded that "the British government had intelligence from several different sources indicating that this visit was for the purpose of acquiring uranium."
The second point, that Wilson's wife was an undercover agent, has been proved false. Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald said Plame's CIA employment was not undercover but merely "classified." Everything is "classified" at the CIA. How covert was Valerie Plame at the CIA? Her top-secret code name was "Valerie Plame."
And now it turns out that the third point of the liberals' conspiracy theory was false: The original "leaker" of Plame's name to columnist Bob Novak -- not a crime -- was not in the White House at all. It was Richard Armitage, a State Department official, an opponent of the Iraq war.
So, what was Patrick Fitzgerald investigating? Not only was there no underlying crime, there was not even -- as The New York Times put it -- "an attempt to silence Mrs. Wilson's husband."
Fitzgerald's entire investigation was nothing but a perjury trap from beginning to end for anyone who "misremembered" anything about who told whom what about a low-level nobody at the CIA who happened to be married to a Walter Mitty fantasist.
More on the story

I hope that Fitzgerald doesn't give an interview to Annthrax. She is full of it.

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