Monday, September 04, 2006

Voters are anti-incumbent and angry, new poll finds

Six years with a moron President and the American people are finally awake....

A majority -- 55 percent -- said they are more likely to back a challenger in races on this year's ballot. Such anti-incumbent sentiment is higher than the 48 percent recorded as "pro-challenger" in a similar survey in 1994, when the GOP took control of both houses of Congress....More than 60 percent of those surveyed said government policies need either major changes or a complete overhaul, while 30 percent said minor changes were needed. Only 7 percent said no change is necessary....Nearly half of the respondents -- 49 percent -- said they considered the GOP the party of strong leadership. But 56 percent said they considered the Democrats the party of change, with 49 percent considering them the more forward-looking party. More on the story...


airJackie said...

Curley Larry and Moe
History will repeat itself just with different names that being George W. Bush IMPEACHED

SP Biloxi said...

Thanks for sharing the arctile about Geiger.. But, he is right about pushing Frist to amend the pay wage.. It is absoultely ridiculous to have a rich and wonderful country and have a Congress to give themselves a raise year and after year and refuse to raise the minimum wage (for 10 years)... What type of message is Frist and the rest of Congress is showing to other countries and for other people from other countries who want the freedom and opportunity in the U.S.?