Thursday, September 21, 2006

Rummy the Vice Presidemt?

There But For The Grace Of God ...

In mid-August of 1974, Gerald Ford had to name a Vice President. His search narrowed to three finalists.
One was the man who got the job: Nelson Rockefeller.
Another was the man who badly wanted it: George H.W. Bush.
Do you know who the third finalist was?
Answer below the fold.
Donald Rumsfeld

We would be in deep trouble if Rummy, the nursing home patient with a FDR mentality, ever became Vice President of the United States!

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Fitz you were 16 years old and if Rummy had been VP nothing would be the same today. Yes I was an adult never mind my age if Rummy was on the ticket most likely Nixon would have lost. Let's face it here's a military man who never saw action but taught class on US soil at a time Nixon.