Saturday, September 09, 2006

A message from Joe and Valerie Wilson:

Here is a note from the Wilsons...

September 7, 2006

To Our Courageous Supporters and Friends,
We want to take this opportunity to step back from the legal and political whirlwind and thank you for your continued support. We'd also like to update you on the progress we've made, with your help, since the filing of the lawsuit against the Vice President, Karl Rove and Scooter Libby.
Since the establishment of the Joseph and Valerie Wilson Legal Support Trust, we have received many generous donations from people all over our nation. Your contributions have helped us to begin to pay for the significant costs stemming from our case. Many of you have also sent letters of encouragement which have touched us deeply and strengthened our resolve.
Moving forward, we feel that it is vital that we all remember that this lawsuit is not about us or just politics. It's about uncovering the truth for the American people. It's about ensuring that all relevant public officials are held accountable for the abuse of their considerable power. And it's about deterring similar offenses from being committed in the future. On that note, we particularly want to express our gratitude to the bloggers and others who have participated in the public discourse. You have played an essential role in ensuring that people continue to think and speak about the important issues that underlie our case.
Many of you have already heard that we have engaged new counsel for the next phase of litigation. This preeminent legal team is formidable, aggressive, and principled. We are fortunate to have the non-profit, public-interest organization Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) and Joseph Cotchett and Frank Pitre with the law firm of Cotchett, Pitre, Simon & McCarthy representing us. CREW has an extensive track record of successfully routing corruption and dishonesty in government. Frank and Joe have an incredible history of representing underdogs and fighting to protect civil rights. In addition, Erwin Chemerinsky, noted Constitutional law scholar and professor at Duke University School of Law, will continue to serve in the case as co-counsel.
The defendants have and will no doubt continue to try to distract us from what is truly at issue here. But we must not lose sight of the principal question: Do the American people want individuals who threaten our national security and violate the very rights that they are charged with upholding, to remain above public inquiry or legal consequences for their actions? Our response is a firm and resounding 'no'. Our elected and appointed officials should be eager - even impatient - to dissolve any suspicions or controversy surrounding their actions. In this case, they are staying the course that they have been on for too long — one of obstruction and obfuscation.
We will continue to update you on our progress. Please sign up for our email alerts and check for new information on this important fight. This will be a long and arduous struggle, but every day we continue to be inspired by your outpouring of support. We thank you.
Joe & Valerie Wilson

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