Monday, September 25, 2006

Alan Northcutt, guest column: Time to mention the forbidden "I" word

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism. — Thomas Jefferson

A growing number of Americans now believe that true patriots will defend Democracy, the Constitution and the rule of law against a president who is violating these principles.
Thus U.S. House Resolution 635, calling for a select committee to investigate grounds for impeachment of George W. Bush, has 37 sponsors.
State legislatures, which may present charges directly to the U.S. House, have pending resolutions in Illinois, California and Vermont.

Four major charges

Twenty-one cities from California to Maine have passed resolutions for impeachment. Four major charges are proposed:

* Invasion of Iraq — The U.N. charter (U.S. law) prohibits war against another country except as authorized by the Security Council, or in self defense.

* Torture — Torture violates the Eighth Amendment (prohibiting cruel and unusual punishment), the Fifth Amendment, the War Crimes Act (1996), and the third and fourth Geneva Conventions.

* Illegal surveillance — Bush has authorized the National Security Agency to perform warrantless surveillance in clear violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (1978).

Separation of powers — Bush has attached more than 800 signing statements to bills passed by Congress, more than all other administrations combined

More on the story

The "I" word is no longer a dirty word. Get out and vote in November!

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Bush will do the same think Nixon did to save the real people who are running the country. He will resign before impeachment. We will be left with the damage the Gerbil has done. Let's hope our enemies don't use that Bush torture policy on our troops before we get back home.