Thursday, August 24, 2006

Too little too late for Senator Allen?

Sen. Allen apologizes for 'macaca' jibe

RICHMOND, Va. - Sen. George Allen called an opponent's aide and apologized for singling the man out almost two weeks ago with an obscure comment that has cast a shadow over the senator's White House ambitions, his campaign said.
"Senator Allen made a heartfelt apology," Wadhams said. "He told Sidarth he thought he would see him on the campaign trail, but Sidarth had headed back to U.Va., so we Googled his name, found his number and the senator called him this morning."

The damage will haunt Allen for a while, said Merle Black, a political scientist at Emory University in Atlanta and a specialist in presidential and congressional races.
"It just raises questions about his judgment and how sincere he is in how he deals with these kinds of issues," Black said.

It is amazing that Allen googled Sidarth's name when Sidarth had demanded an apology from Allen. Do you think that Allen's inappropiate remark to Sidarth will hurt Allen's campaign?


airJackie said...

Many more elected officials will follow Allen's heartfelt statement of racism. It's the Bush policy to up the doors of hate. Tony Chrissy Snow as made it ok. I read even a school bus now has white only in the front of the bus as blacks are only sited in the back. So much for honoring Rosa Parks. I'm so glad I'm old I really don't want to see the hate of the 50's/60's. Next we'll see hanging is starting up again as entertainment.

SP Biloxi said...

Yes that is sad! Thanks for passing the article! As Jackie said the Gerbil and company are little by little reverting back to the 50's and the '60's... Rosa Parks would certainly roll over in her grave... To think that all she did for blacks in 1955 by refusing to ride in the back of the bus... People benefitted from Ms. Parks' stance and now the Gerbil is trying to take away those rights.. What kind of message is he sending to the Hurricane Victims on the 1st anniversary???