Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Say What?

Condi 2008? Look, She’s Nodding Yes!

She may have hit a rough patch with conservatives over her Lebanon diplomacy, but Condoleezza Rice’s fan base on the Web continues to grow.
There are now no fewer than three groups devoted to recruiting the secretary of state to run for president in 2008, each with its own Web site. Rice denies she has any interest in running for higher office, but, and all think otherwise.
The sites brim over with rumors and products, including a slew of bumper stickers — “Hillary ’08? Not if Condi’s Running!” — and a brand-new Condi bobblehead doll at bears strikingly little resemblance to Rice.
A very unscientific poll on found that 67% of respondents think Rice should run for president. Another 13% agree, but think she should be made vice president now as well. One in 10 thinks she’s “too smart + articulate” to run. –Neil King Jr.’s-nodding-yes/

And who will do Condi's job as President? This is the question of the day. Do you think Condi make a good President?

1 comment:

SP Biloxi said...

O.K. I feel for you.. Why people would set up a website to want this person as President?? We currently have puppet in office and now we want to repeat history with Shug?