Monday, August 21, 2006

By the way, where is Osama?

Just asking...

Sept. 11 plaintiffs wait for answers, resolution
Nearly 5 years later, lawsuits are stalled

In the aftermath of Sept. 11, 2001, a tiny percentage of people who lost loved ones or were injured in the attacks sued the aviation industry, spurning a federal compensation fund that ultimately distributed more than $7 billion to more than 5,500 victims.

Now, nearly five years after the historic disaster, roughly 60 lawsuits are still grinding their way through court. And the families pushing ahead with litigation, including numerous New Englanders, are mired in a massive legal case that has become a complicated behemoth for the federal judge overseeing it.

And the 9/11 families are still looking for answers on the terrorist attack and about Bin Laden.


SP Biloxi said...

No kidding kittybowtie,

OBL had the hots for Whitney Houston? I wonder if he can help her with her drug problems!! LOL!

It is ashamed that this has been 5 years since the the terrorist attack and have 60 lawsuit pending from the 9/11 families. They still have no answer to the whereabouts of OBL or any compensation... And this is certainly telling people that is a lot more behind 9/11 and the Gerbil's non-care of find Bin Laden.. When the real truth comes out about why this country was really attack 5 years ago, the American people will be trully devastated and angry from hearing the truth.

airJackie said...

Ya and we believe anything were told. Osama is safe and happy thanks to his friends the Bush family. Family protects family and if Americans had read the culture they would have seen that Osama worked for the United States and was hand picked by Dick Cheney ( with hair) to lead. Yes things went south but the Bush family are business partners with Osama's family. Look money is more important that the American people to the Bush family. Bush did his job by protecting Osama. Osama travels all over vacationing with his wives/children he most likely visited Disneyland and the White House. Homeland Security isn't working to well. Bush is a great PR man for the Middle East, he had made unknown people famous. Who knew about Hezbollah or Al Qeada now they are household names. Mothers are naming their children after the leaders that Bush as made famous. All the lies about Osama being dead one day then a type comes on TV then Bush says he's dead again, Bush knows Osama is doing great and living life to the max.