Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Are the RNC now the vacation police?

Now this article is interesting...

Making Kos toxic — because he took a vacation

The Republican National Committee, which has generally perfected the fine art of the smear piece, published a very odd attack on Markos Moulitsas Zuniga today, referring to him as a "nutroot" who runs a "hate-filled" blog.

Whether you're a fan of Kos or not, the very first item on the RNC's list of complaints is one of the strangest complaints I've seen in a long while:
Daily Kos Blogger Markos Moulitsas Zuniga Back From "Relaxing" Vacation:
Moulitsas Just Got Back From Summer Vacation: "I got back from El Salvador really early this morning, so I'm still catching up on the last week's news." (The Daily Kos Website,, Accessed 8/22/06)
Moulitsas: "I'm still playing catchup after my very relaxing, very nice vacation." (Daily Kos Website,, Accessed 8/22/06)

Maybe I'm missing something here. Are we supposed to be disgusted with Kos for "relaxing"? Are vacations now bad? Or is the point that Kos is somehow suspect because he went to El Salvador?

Someone should asked the RNC: Do you have a record of Marko's vacation schedule? Did Marko ever taken vacation 42% of the time in an eight month period? According to the Washington Post, I seem to recall the current mangler-in-chief that took vacation 42% in the eight months in office for his first term.

1 comment:

SP Biloxi said...


Fitz's blog has gone to pots.. It is a shame that his blog is polluted with trash. That certainly wasn't his intention to have a Jerry Ringer blog when he first set that up. I hope it goes bakc to normal. Thanks for passing along the Stratfor article.. It is quite interesting on how the OBL and al-Zawahiri video are created and the quality messaged produced by As-Sahab. The Gerbil is so stupid and an idiot.. We are dealing with very clever terrorists.. In order to catch these terrorists, you have to think like a terrorist. It is a mind thing.. The Gerbil has no mind. The Gerbil is like the Mounds candybar: sometime you feel a nut. sometime you don't...

And about the article from MsNBC, the journalist is right.. The Gerbil needs to stop playing and work! A true leader takes his/her own eyes off of himself/herself and serve others. And he is certainly showing his true character as the POTUS!